
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Moving into a house… finally

I am so excited to write about our new adventure moving into our first house. Since Rex has been mobil, I have wanted a back yard so badly to let him run wild and free. We looked for a long time and finally found a house that would fit our needs. Its is a little bigger than we wanted to but can't complain for having more space right?

Its a 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bathroom home with the perfect makeup/laundry room downstairs right by the garage. This allows me to have clients over for makeup lessons or trials in my home. I love that. 

We moved in on a friday and were completely unpacked by monday thanks to my mom helping me unpack the kitchen that same night we moved in. I love all the room I have in my kitchen. Its got lots of cupboard space which is something our tiny kitchen in our apartment lacked. 

We had our first dinner for breakfast which is one of our favorite things to eat soon after we moved in

Of course, I got to decorating as soon as possible and decided on a white and tiffany blue color combo for the kitchen, white and navy blue for the family room and gray and orange in the living room. 

Than doesn't get why we need a living room (or formal room) but I have dreamt of having a place to be able to receive guests for a long time. 

This is me after cleaning this cute black and white chevron rug in 107 degree weather

not too long after moving in, my sweet father in law helped us put in our garden containing, lettuce, cilantro, broccoli, beets and green onions. The lettuce sprouted about a month after we planted it and we could not be more grateful to have such delicious fresh salads almost everyday.

A month after we moved in, we had the great pleasure of having Than's sister Connie and her husband Tom move in with us. It was such a blessing to have them around. They helped us a ton with Rex, especially when Than was gone all of December. They moved out at the beginning of January and we miss them lots already.

I hosted a little craft/girls night where everyone brought a project they were working on and we all worked on it together without interruptions. This is the craft I made for halloween 

We are so grateful to be able to live close to family again. Its been a real blessing to have found something within 5 miles from both sets of parents. 
Hope you enjoyed this post. Thanks for reading!

Potty Training Rex

       The dreaded day had come. I decided to potty train Rex right before he turned 19 months because I had heard that cloth diapered toddlers learned much faster because they hate the feeling of a soaking wet piece of cloth. Boy was I wrong. Its been 4 months and we are finally getting to the point that he will tell us he has to go. I definitely did not expect it to take that long, but talking with friends that have little boys they have informed me that 4 months is not long at all. That makes me feel much better.

      I tried the 3 day method where all you do is stay inside (or in your backyard) and potty train the whole time. This method might work on kids closer to 3 years of age since they understand much better and can tell when they have to go but Rex barely had any bladder control so it took a bit longer.

      Nevertheless, we had lots of fun taking pictures of his potty training days that we would like to share with you.

First up, lost of salty snacks and water mixed with juice so he would have to go a lot

He was so sweet wanting to share with me

potty treats ready to be given if he went pee in the potty

Look at those chunky legs. I just want to eat them.

 It was actually a really frustrating process, cleaning all the pee off the floor and going back and forth from the potty to the pee spot, but this cute face made it all worth it.

Trying to put the straw in his juice box takes concentration

We FaceTimed with grandparents and aunties to tell them he had gone potty. He loved this the most

 by the end of the day, had used up all his undies so we just let him run around naked. Daddy gave me a break and took over building towers with him.

I don't doubt the 3 day method works on older children and I may try this again with my future children when they're older. I am so very glad tho that I rarely have to clean a poopy cloth diaper anymore and Rex is only 21 months old. Its definitely a blessing.


     So our 4 year anniversary was 5 months ago… lets just say its taken me a while to update my blog.
We actually ended up spending our anniversary in Mexico City with my family. We ate some amazing tacos al pastor and hung out with my uncle that i haven't seen in over 13 years.

    Heres a picture of us just outside of the restaurant on our anniversary night.
I couldn't be more grateful for the wonderful husband the Lord sent my way. I don't know how I got so lucky. He is truly the man of my dreams and I love him more each and every day.

     When we got home from our trip,  Than took me to the hilton hotel to eat at their amazing restaurant. It had the most beautiful view at sunset. Going to this fancy restaurant gave me the perfect reason to wear my sisters beautiful sparkly prom dress. 

The view was amazing

I had the most delicious homemade lobster filled ravioli and Than of course ordered their steak